Glasgow Caledonian University
GCU is a centre of excellence in teaching and research in social enterprise and social innovation, principally through the work of the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health. The centre focuses on three main societal challenges: inclusive societies, healthy lives, and sustainable environments.
GCU has been partner in projects for the World Bank investigating egovernment service provision in Eastern Europe and administrative capacity in the new Member states of the EU. Recent Atlantic Area projects include Harvest Atlantic and INNOVATE with partners from Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal.
Glasgow Caledonian University will be the partner leading the WP4 Atlantic Social Innovation Mapping based on its sound experience as centre of excellence in social innovation research.
As coordinators of the WP4, Glasgow Caledonian University will be in charge of designing the template so all partners can provide homogenous information on the main gaps and unmet social needs identified in their territories, and will guide and monitor them during the mapping exercise for quality assistance.
GCU will prepare a composite report reflecting the common social challenges in the Atlantic Area based on the partner’s insights, along with a Benchmarking of Social Innovation Best Practices. GCU cooperating with CES will also peer review the partner reports on the social innovation trends and monitor the pilot actions and study visits implemented and elaborate the Social Innovation Action Plan. GCU will also work closely with third sector institutions, such as Kibble, for capitalisation of project outputs through networking, dissemination activities and champion of social innovation interventions in social inclusion.
Partner will continue in the extension phase!