Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2021-2027
  • 13 September 2022

European Comission approved the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2021-2027

EC formally approved, on September 9th, the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2021-2027. The goal is to renew the commitment with the Atlantic regions in the support of innovative initiatives for a smarter, greener and more social Europe.

The official launch of the programme is planned for the 29th of September in Viana do Castelo (Portugal). The event will be hosted by The Managing Authority of the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme and the Agência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesão (holding the Programme Presidency for 2022) and will address the results achieved by the programme highlighting the role and importance of cooperation in the implementation of innovative strategies and good practices that contribute to the sustainable growth of the Atlantic region. 

The Interreg Atlantic Area Programme 2021-2027 has a dedicated webpage where you can find more informations. Available here!