Logo SIRENE project
  • 25 January 2023

SAVE THE DATE: SIRENE project will be at the workshop “Projects under the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme in support of the New European Innovation Agenda”

Next Thursday 26th at 10 am CET the SIRENE project will be at the workshop “Projects under the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme in support of the New European Innovation Agenda”

SIRENE is an HorizoneEurope CSA coordinated by SHINE 2Europe with the greatest consortium: AFEdemy, age-friendly environments academy, TECNALIA Research & Innovation, ISTITUTO PER SERVIZI DI RICOVERO E ASSISTENZA AGLI ANZIANI DI TREVISO, ECHAlliance Group (European Connected Health Alliance) and F6S.

SHINE 2Europe and AFEdemy, age-friendly environments academy will also participate in the INTEGER project - i2CAT Foundation Toñi Caro, PhD Kai Schnackenberg

You can watch the event here !  Please click here for more information on the SIRENE project.