28 reuse centers share their good practices
  • 11 February 2019

28 reuse centers share their good practices in Bretagne (France)

55 volunteers and workers coming from 28 reuse centers all over Bretagne gathered in the city of Baud on the 17th of January. Reuse centers are increasingly interested by these meetings because they are facing professionalization issues.

4 workshops on reuse good practices

One year ago, for the last meeting, at the beginning of the Atlantic Social Lab, they were 39 participants. Since then, several new reuse centers were created, and they were eager to learn from the experience of older ones. During the morning, participants shared their good practices on several questions such as: “how to determine the appropriate prices?”, “how to set up the riddance of a house after the death of an isolated person?”, “what is a efficient communication policy?”,

A hybrid economic model

In the afternoon, the outputs of a study on the economic model of reuse centers were presented. This study, launched for the Atlantic Social Lab project, gave several ways to improve the sustainability of employment in these organisations: collection, sales, partnership with local authorities…

Collective work perspectives to improve reuse in Bretagne

Participants finally identified several projects to boost during the following months: to improve skills through training and companionship, to create an observatory for reuse centers, or to work together with authorities so that the “polluter pays” principle might be applied to fund reuse centers.