• 14 September 2022

ASL PARTNERS IN ACTION - The new season of the "Pack your suitcase" project is out on CRIJ Instagram!

Discover the video testimonies filmed by CRIJ international mobility ambassadors Claire and Caterina

They are volunteers at Info Jeunes Occitanie - Montpellier site within the framework of the Civic Service and the European Solidarity Corps and have worked closely with the two volunteers from the Toulouse site, Clara and Maurel.

"Fais ta Valise" was created in 2021 on the initiative of two volunteers, Anastasia in the European Solidarity Corps and Céline in the Civic Service, both of whom are working as "International Mobility Ambassadors" in the Eurodesk service of Info Jeunes Occitanie. They conceived the project via podcasts and launched a first season of 20 testimonies of people who went abroad for a mobility.

·Link to the full article :

https://www.crij.org/fr/actualite/partir-a-l-etranger/la-nouvelle-saison-du-projet-fais-ta-valise-est-sortie-sur-instagram.php (top right icon for translation in english)